

Medix DR
The MEDIX DR is a high-end device using 2D-FAN BEAM technology to perform fast and high image quality examinations. It provides a comfortable diagnostic experience for both patients and practitioners.
Based on a 256 elements multi-array detector, the 2D-Fan Beam is a technology designed by our R&D department to provide the highest image resolution for an optimal diagnosis.
The MEDIX DR is a complete device that in addition to routine exams provides a wide range of applications including orthopaedics, paediatrics, body composition and many more.
The MEDIX DR meets the needs of the most demanding practitioners searching for a powerful, complete and precise tool able to perform examinations in only 15 seconds per site.
Offering the possibility of multiple users on different workstations, exams can quickly be imported or exported through DICOM from MEDIX DR to the PACS and RIS.
The MEDIX90 has established itself as the complete DXA solution for bone health specialists seeking a cost effective, powerful and fast solution for evaluating bone structure and assessing fracture risk.
With a full range of applications, the MEDIX90 is always improved to provide all the parameters for a bone densitometry evaluation and body composition analysis.
The MEDIX90 has been designed in a compact version to enable our DXA system to be installed in smaller rooms.
The Digital Fast Beam is an improved version of the pencil beam. The technology allows the MEDIX90 to be the fastest pencil beam device on the market and to provide better image quality.
The intuitive sofware was specifically designed to help practitioners optimize their time dedicated to exam analysis, diagnosis, patient follow-up and data processing.
3D-DXA :
3D-DXA is a breakthrough technology that uses routine BMD images to modelize a 3D image of the femur. This technology brings new information about cortical and trabecular bone structure for a more accurate diagnostic and adapted treatment.

how it works
3D-DXA is a software application that registers a 3D statistical model onto the hip DXA scan of the patient and uses a model-based algorithm to create a 3D map of the cortical surface density.
3A multicenter clinical study was performed to compare 3D-DXA with Quantitative Computed Tomography (QCT) analyses. Strong correlations were found between measurements performed using the two techniques.
3D-DXA provides automated workflow, retrospective analysis, patient follow-up and Report generation.
MEDIX90 and MEDIX DR are Class IIb medical device manufactured by APELEM and bear the CE marking. They are certified in the European Union under the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC by SGS CE1639, exclusively for the indication of bone densitometry evaluation. Other non-medical uses ascribed to these devices are not within the scope of CE certification, and user should be aware product performance and/or safety has not been evaluated by SGS for those purposes.. Read the operating instructions carefully. Photos are non-contractual.